Monday, October 19, 2009
Do I have to Fall Asleep?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Love Song For No One
It's been a long time since my last ambition about seaworld. But thanks God, life is getting cooler each day : )
So, here i am. With bunches of my mood stabilizer. Fall into their stories like watching a series. To be honest, it's fun. Laughing or just distract it. It's good to see someone happy, and i hope everyone do. About how they're moving on or just make a move.
And the love song is dedicated for no one. Not for an old love nor lack thereof.
Au revoir...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
As Told by Gigi
"Sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. and maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. maybe the happy ending is just moving on. or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment... you never gave up hope."
-Gigi in He's Just not That Into You-
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Live Like You're Dying
tic tac tic tac
Times go by too fast when you stop counting but it goes slower when you want it to come faster
and so do life, love and dreams.
Some says we have to be optimist on what we take.
Does it true at all?
What if we fail when we believe ourselves too much?
It hurts more, i guess.
Some says : Failure is the way to success or there won't be success without failure first....
What if we failed and down then too scared to try?
Or .......... What if we can't face the truth?
I've been waiting for six years.
wishing, guessing, trying, praying.
Maybe not now but later. Someday.
A year later, two years later, three years later, four years later..............................................
Shall i count or try?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bye US
Hey how's your day everyone? Me worse! Few hours ago I just took the second part of afs test. The interview. OMG I feel like I ruined my dreams and future in just 60 minutes. Horrible, isn't it? God show me your miracle please. Today going worse. I. Was trapped in traffic, my mom mad all the time, i've got stomachache, my interview didn't go well, I've got the wrong answer and yeah it's the worst day ever. You know I wish I could press a remote and rewind it. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare. I hope nothing. So this is a bye bye for US and Europe!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sunshine after the rain
Heeeeeeey! So here I am. Stealing my daddy's bb, hide it behind my biology book, and pretend like I'm studying so hard. Yes I'm stressing out about the test, the score, teachers, and all. I need some kind of refreshment like going somewhere else without book and school things in my mind. But, I'm afraid I can't.
Hmm it's 9.30 everybody. I'm going crazy waiting for my score every single day. Hoping mine are good though in fact I wasn't. Spending my whole to take course but yeah I'm still failed. Could you please tell me how to be smart in 1 hour, a day or at least a week? Sigh. And I keep filling my mind with the science and the social class things. Well, I'm lil a bit confused when people judging that science class is better than social. Maybe in some other ways the answer could be yes but heyyy social is not bad. It is okay for me if I go to social class but obviously it's not okay for my mom and dad. The only reason I wanna go to science is to make them happy. Maybe there's a little satisfaction if I get into the science class, but yeah I'm not good at remembering the dates, places, people's name like social class do. I love counting more! I feel guilty to my parent if i can't go to science class.
Ya Allah, please increase my knowledge and please broden my intelligent, Amin.
Btw I'm counting on the result day. AFS I mean. Hmm I'm gonna pray isya now I guess.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Kata Kakak Saya Ibu Orangnya Baik...
Ini cerita gue di hari senin di pelajaran ekonomi. Jadi ya kan gue remedial ekonomi nah terus pas senin kemarin hasilnya dibagiin. Gue kira kan ya nilainya membaik. Taunya nilai gue yang awalnya 56 turun jadi 54. Terus baliklah gue ke meja...
Bella : nilai lo berapa nin?
Nanin : 54 bel.. yah gue jadi pengen nangis deh
Bella : eh eh jangan nangis
tapi terlambat. Gue udah keburu menitikkan air mata (apa tau ya). Terus langsung deh teman-teman menghiburku. nah terusnya si ibu sinden, guru ekonomi gue yang nyinden itu, bagi-bagiin lks kan. Dipanggil nama anaknya satu-satu ke depan. Terus si Bella dipanggil nah pas balik gue liat nilai lksnya 75 apa 80 gitu kalo ga salah. Nah terus gue sama Bella izin deh ke toilet bentar. Pas balik ternyata lks gue udah selesai dikoreksi jadi langsung gue comot dari mejanya si ibu guru sinden panggung itu. Dan dengan sabarnya ku bolak-balik kertas lksnya. Amboi! Alangkah terkejutnya gue ngeliat nilai gue hanya 65. Ohmygod padahal asal kalian semua tahu, lks itu gue kerjain full, ga ada yang bolong sama sekali. Akhirnya dengan ditemani Firdha Islamy, gue protes ke depan. Eh nyampe sana gue dikacangin. Bayangin coba udah nilai ulangan remed (lagi), lks 65 plus dikacangin lagi. Gondok deh gue. tapi gue ga pantang menyerah pas bel gue mencoba minta nilai lagi sama si ibu yang satu itu.
Nanin : Bu, nilai saya kok segini? saya kan ngerjainnya full bu, liat tuh
Bella : iya bu tuh dia ngerjain semuanya
si ibu sinden tetap membisu sambil tersenyum ngeselin
Nanin : ayolah bu tambahin nilai saya
Teman- Teman : iya bu tambahin dong dia kan adenya fadil bu
Ibu S : Fadil? (muka kaget gimana gitu)
Nanin : Iya bu. Saya adenya Fadil Pratama, sekarang udah alumni
Ibu S : oh yang sekarang di padjajaran ya?
Nanin & teman-teman : iya bu, tuh kan ibu kenal
Ibu S : Oh iya. ambil jurusan apa dia.
Nanin : HI bu
Ibu S : tapi kok kamu ga mirip sama dia?
Bella, Galuh, Firdha : bener kok bu dia adenya fadil. Orang waktu itu kita pernah ketemu kok
Nanin : Ya Allah ibu beneran deh ya. Nih mama saya namanya tuti papa saya namanya Firdaus, ibu kan suka manggil mama saya ke sekolah
Ibu S : oh iya bener-bener
Nanin : liat aja kakak saya namanya Fadil Pratama Ramadhan Putra, nama saya Fataninda Dwi Kesuma Putri tuh kan polanya sama, orang papahnya sama. Kakak saya bilang ibu orangnya baik. Tapi kok ibu jahat sama saya? Kakak saya aja yang sering buat mama saya dipanggil ke sekolah nilainya bagus. Kok saya yang ga pernah bikin mama saya dipanggil sekolah nilainya jelek?
Ibu S : Abis kamu suka ngobrol sih.............
Dan berlalulah perbincangan yang sedikit alot dengan si ibu sinden itu. Tapi lumayanlah nilai lks gue jadi 7. Alhamdulillah hirrabbil alamin.
Sekian dulu cerita saya hari ini. Wassalammualaikum wr. wb.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
One thing I couldn't stand off (again)
I guess I love someone easily and now I can't stand off this. I never know what shall the future bring and I don't hope too much for this one. Call me lame but ya what can I do when I couldn't stand off with this feeling anymore.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
May I ....
May I go to Java Jazz?
May I skip school tomorrow?
May I have a long holiday?
May I ask for extra money?
May I borrow your car?
May I have your brain for math?
Would you like going somewhere with me tomorrow?
Would you like buying me pizza, i'm craving for it!
Would you like let me skip the school?
Mom, i love you more if you let me do that. May I?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Semenjak guru bk gue ngasih tau peringkat-peringkat kelas gue semester satu kemaren gue jadi punya obsesi baru sekarang. Dan tau ga sih my biggest and deepest obsession for now is : RANKING 1! Haha muluk mungkin kedengerannya, jangan kan elo gue juga mikir itu tuh muluk banget ya. Fyi, gue ranking 26 dari 39 siswa. Well, at first sih ya gue pikir itu biasa aja, ga bagus tapi at least ga jelek juga. Tapi begitu besoknya gue denger nyokap gue shock begitu gue kasih tau peringkat gue, gue jadi mikir "emang segitu jelek ya?" dan sekarang gue sadar kalo itu tuh emang jelek bangeeeeeeeeeeeet ya. Makanya dari kemaren ya gue berkhayal jadi anak pinter yang ranking 1. Bukannya gue mau sok-sok pinter (emang ga pinter) , tapi gue tuh cuma pengen tau rasanya jadi ranking satu tuh gimana. Pokoknya nih gue nazar kalo gue ranking 1 gue mau puasa seminggu ah. Pray for me pleaseeeeeeeeee!
Eh eh by the way nyokap gue luluh juga. Akhirnya gue dibeliin tiket jason mraz! Pertamanya nyokap gue udah bener-bener ga mau beliin tiketnya tuh eh untungnya temen-temennya nyokap gue tuh baik banget ya, jadi mereka ngebujukin nyokap gue. I love you deh tante-tante!
You know I like Jason Mraz so bad and wanted to see his concert if he come to Indonesia. And he really come next march at Java Jazz Festival! But my parents won't pay the ticket for me which means i must pay it myself if i wanna go. Okay at first i thought it costs only ya at least 300.000 and i think i can buy the ticket. But just about an hour ago my friend told that the ticket is costed 550.000! Oh myyyyyyyyy. Then i checked the website and found it
'Jason Mraz, 6 march 2009 285.000'
Yes! it means i can buy it but when i read once again it told that we must buy the daily pass (which costs 250.000) first then buy the special show (costs : 300.000)
285.000 + 300.000 = 585.000
And i must pay it by myself!
Does anyone of you want to buy me the ticket, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee?